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Android Block Programming SEAMOLEC

Android Block Programming

Dalam pelatihan ini, peserta akan diajarkan dalam pembuatan aplikasi berbasis android menggunakan android block programing menggunakan aplikasi App Inventor. Dalam pelatihan ini, peserta akan diajarkan mulai dari pengenalan aplikasi App Inventor, pengenalan layout dan debugging, pengenalan block dan fitur App Inventor, dan dipandu dalam membuat beberapa aplikasi android sederhana.

Pelatihan ini terdiri atas 5 section, dimana materi yang disajikan berupa video. Output yang diharapkan dalam kelas ini adalah, peserta mampu membuat aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis android menggunakan App Inventor

Android Block Programming

In this training, participants will be taught in making android-based applications using android block programming using the App Inventor application. In this training, participants will be taught starting from the introduction of the App Inventor application, introduction to layout and debugging, introduction to App Inventor blocks and features, and guided in making some simple Android applications.

This training consists of 5 sections, where the material presented is in the form of a video. The expected output in this class is that participants are able to create Android-based learning applications using the App Inventor

  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

    Mar 01, 2020
  3. Classes End

    Mar 31, 2025