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Internet Of Things for Southeast Asia SEAMOLEC

Enrollment is Closed

Internet of Things for Southeast Asia 
IoT merupakan sebuah konsep yang bertujuan untuk memperluas manfaat dari konektifitas internet yang tersambung secara terus – menerus. Adapun kemampuan seperti berbagi data, remote control, dan sebagainya, termasuk juga pada benda di dunia nyata. Contohnya bahan pangan, elektronik, peralatan apa saja, termasuk benda hidup yang semuanya tersambung ke jaringan lokal dan global melalui sensor yang tertanam dan selalu aktif.

Pada pelatihan ini, peserta akan mempelajari apa itu Internet of Things, Electronics, Sensor,
Microcontroller, Microcontroller Function of Output, Microcontroller Function of Input, IoT Cloud Platform, dan IoT Project.

Internet of Things for Southeast Asia 
IoT is a concept that aims to expand the benefits of continuously connected internet connectivity. As for capabilities such as data sharing, remote control, and so on, including objects in the real world. For example foodstuffs, electronics, any kind of equipment, including living things which are all connected to local and global networks through embedded sensors that are always on.

In this training, participants will learn what the Internet of Things, Electronics, Sensors,
Microcontroller, Microcontroller Function of Output, Microcontroller Function of Input, IoT Cloud Platform, and IoT Project

  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

    Nov 10, 2020
  3. Classes End

    Jan 01, 2021